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About the Program

From past earthquakes, multi-story buildings with weak and/or open front wall lines creating a “soft-story” (i.e. buildings with tuck-under-parking) performed poorly and collapsed. The goal of the mandatory retrofit program, under Ordinance 183893 and Ordinance 184081, is to reduce structural deficiencies by the most economical and feasible method. Without proper strengthening, these vulnerable buildings may be subjected to structural failure during and/or after an earthquake.

How to Proceed

Each property owner of these buildings will be sent an order to comply. These orders will be sent accordingly based on the following priorities:

Priority Categories Start date of Sending 
Out Orders
I. Buildings with 16 or more
dwelling units 3-story and above May 2, 2016
2-story July 22, 2016
II. Buildings with 3 or more stories with less than 16 units October 17, 2016
III. Buildings not falling within the 
definition of Priority I or II with 9-15 units July 24, 2017
with 7-8 units August 21, 2017
with 4-6 units September 25, 2017
Condos/Commercial November 6, 2017

The property owner must comply with the ordinance within the following time limit from the receipt of the Order to Comply:

  • 2 years: Submit proof of previous retrofit, or plans to retrofit or demolish
  • 3.5 years: Obtain permit to start construction or demolition
  • 7 years: Complete construction

Soft-Story Retrofit Examples

Examples of damage without soft-story retrofit

Soft-story retrofit process

Additional Resources

  • FAQ's
  • Documents

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