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Grading Inspections

The Grading Division of the Inspection Bureau oversees issues related to soils and foundations, grading, excavations, and fills.

About Inspection

The Grading Division uses primarily Chapters 18 and 70 of the LA Building Code for inspections. Permits are required for grading/earthwork in the Hillside Grading Area, removal and re-compaction, or back-fill. The Division provides inspection for foundation excavations, grading and fill placement.

Prior to issuing permits, a soils and/or geology report is usually required to be submitted to the Division for technical review by our geotechnical engineers and geologists.

Reports submitted to the Division typically address geotechnical engineering design as well geologic hazards, such as slope instability/earthquake induced landslides and liquefaction (Seismic Hazard Zones).

Areas near active faults, including those in the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones, require sufficient geologic investigation and coordination with the Division’s geologists. Various Information Bulletins provide additional information relative to requirements of the Grading Division.

Additional Resources

  • Forms & Applications
  • Information Bulletins
  • Requests for Modifications

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