Regular Plan Check
Permits for large complex projects are issued through a Regular Plan Check process.
Additional Information
The plans are reviewed and then returned within weeks depending on workload. With 50% more of the plan check fee paid, the plan check review will be expedited.
Regular Plan Checks are processed at our Metro, Van Nuys, and W.L.A. locations, although plans may be submitted to any Development Services Center. Plans are assigned within a few days of submittal.
Additional Resources
- Information Bulletins
Filtered categories:
Supplemental Structural Correction Sheet for Flexible Diaphragm with Rigid Wall (2014 LABC)
Supplemental Structural Correction Sheet for Flexible Diaphragm with Rigid Wall (2017 LABC)
Supplemental Structural Correction Sheet Steel Brace Frame Design (2014 LABC)
Supplemental Structural Correction Sheet Steel Brace Frame Design (2017 LABC)
Supplemental Structural Correction Sheet Steel Brace Frame Design (2023 LABC)
Supplemental Structural Correction Sheet Steel Moment Frame Design (2017 LABC)
Supplemental Structural Correction Sheet Steel Moment Frame Design (2023 LABC)
Supplementary Rules and Regulations Governing Fabricators of High-Strength Structural Steel
IB/P/BC 2014-032
- Effective
Supplementl Concrete Tilt Up Retrofit Plan Check Correction Sheet (2017 LABC)
Surface Fault Rupture Hazard Investigations
IB/P/BC 2023-129
- Effective