Custodian of Records
Anyone can initiate a request to Public Records. It may include a wide variety of documents and materials (including print, photographic, and electronic formats) that were created or obtained by the LADBS.
About the Program
The California State Legislature adopted the Public Records Act in 1968. It is designed to give the public access to information in the possession of public agencies. The Act also provides that public records shall be open for inspection during regular office hours of the agency. The public can inspect or receive a copy of any record unless the record is exempted from disclosure under the act.
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You can request the staff's immediate supervisor to discuss the matter further.
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The district grading inspector will clear the release of the bond upon completion of the work. Financial Services will release the bond amount.
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The automated inspection request systems allow inspections to be requested only three days in advance. Call the Customer Call Center at 3-1-1 if you need to request an inspection more than three days in advance.
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Sites in most hillside areas, within potentially liquefiable zones, where infiltration rates are too low, or where the earth materials exhibit adverse conditions when saturated (e.g., expansive or hydro collapsible soils) are generally not allowed to infiltrate stormwater. Please refer to Information Bulletin P/BC 2014-118.
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Building and Safety does not maintain copies of Plumbing or Electrical plans.
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A fault investigation is required if the project is located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone or a Preliminary Fault Rupture Study Area to preclude construction for human occupancy from being placed on an active fault. Please refer to Information Bulletins P/BC 2014-129 and P/BC 2014-044.
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The Department requires the use of a sump pump when concentrated drainage cannot be directed to an approved location via gravity. Please refer to Information Bulletin P/BC 2014-103.
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The Department requires the use of a back-up generator for sloping properties to maintain proper drainage and reduce the potential for erosion and sloughing in the event of a power failure.
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No, a CofO will only be issued if it is a change of occupancy or an increase in square footage.
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Whenever an Order to Comply is issued you will be billed $336.00, plus a 6% surcharge fee.
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